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Butterflies of Europe and the Tropics
October 2020
Dryobota labecula
Oak Rustic, a very rare migrant, Gubblecote, 31 October
Euproctis similis
Yellow-tail, a small specimen and an exceptionally late sighting, Gubblecote, 31 October
Chloroclysta siterata
Red-green Carpet, Gubblecote, 31 October
Dichonia aprilina
Merveille du Jour, trapped at Hawridge in Bucks on 18 October
Dichonia aprilina
as in the previous shot
Dichonia aprilina
not posed! The moth hurried onto this branch in the oak tree and became superbly camouflaged
Conistra vaccinii
Chestnut, Hawridge, Chesham, Bucks, 18 October
Agrochola circellaris
Brick, Hawridge, Bucks, 18 October
Agrochola lota
Red-line Quaker, Hawridge, Bucks, 18 October
Eupsilia transversa
Satellite, Hawridge, Bucks, 18 October
Xanthia icteritia
The Sallow, Gubblecote, 17 October
Epirrita dilutata
'November Moth', Gubblecote 17 October
Calliteara pudibunda
Pale Tussock larva, fully grown, Gubblecote 7 October
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