Butterflies of Europe and the Tropics
RUSSIAN FAR EAST, USSURI, three locations in the Primorski Region to the north of Vladivostok, June into July 2019 in the company of Adrian Hoskins and others. *These photos are also included in the pages for Europe given the familiarity of many Eastern Palaearctic species with their counterparts in the West
RUSSIAN FAR EAST, June/July 2019, an Adrian Hoskins trip to the Ussuri (also included on Europe pages due to close relationships with other Palaearctic species)
male, Novonezhino, 3 July
male, at the same location, 3 July
male, same location, 5 July
female, Novonezhino, 5 July
female, as in the previous photo
larva on aristolochia foodplant, same location as adults, 5 July
at least 80 trucks long, alongside the Sericinus site (!), Novonezhino, 5 July
in the Tayga meadow on 27 June
the same insect as shown in the previous shot
from our base at Spassk-Dalniy, 22 June
Novonezhino, 3 July
same insect
as for the previous photo
inside the Tayga forest, 27 June
Swallowtail, Tayga, 24 June
Swallowtail, same insect as in the previous shot
near Dalnegorsk, 27 June
near Anisimovka, 1 July
Black-veined White, near Dmitriyevka, south of Spassk-Dalniy,19 June
Black-veined White, Tayga forest, Dalnegorsk, 26 June
Oriental fire-bellied Toad in a puddle at Merkushevka, 22 June
forest road towards Tayga forest, 26 June
as in the previous photo
female, near Anisimovka, 1 July
male, also near Anisimovka on 1 July
on the transit east to Dalnegorsk, 23 JUne
belonging to the very hospitable Forest Warden
Brimstone variant, Luk'yanovka, 5 July
or similar species, Spassk forest, 20 June
near Anisimovka,1 July
the meadow location with a backdrop of the Livadiynskiy hills, 3 July
Fenton's Wood White, Luk'yanovka, 6 July
Tayga forest meadow, 27 June
Black Hairstreak, very worn, Luk'yanovka, 5 July
Large Copper, male, Merkushevka, 21 July
Large Copper, female, Vishnevka area, 20 June
Large Copper, female as in the previous photo
Columbine, Tayga forest meadow, 26 June
Short-tailed Blue, Luk'yanovka, 5 July
Mazarine Blue, female, on the Anisimovka lower ski slope, 3 July
as for the previous photo
lower ski slope in the early morning swirling mists on 3 July
Holly Blue subspecies, Tayga forest, 24 June
forest track leading to the Tayga forest, 20 June
muddy forest track, 20 June
also on the Tayga forest road, 20 June
Reverdin's Blue, female, somewhere between Vladivostok and Spassk-Dalniy alongside the M60, 19 June
Reverdin's Blue, female, same insect as shown previously
Oriental Fire-bellied Toad out of water on the track at Luk'yanovka, 5 July
Merkushevka, 21 June