Butterflies of Europe and the Tropics
GREEK RHODOPI, July 2013, this year's trip with Alan Bernard
Scarce Swallowtail, Micromilia, from Volakas, 10 July
Scarce Swallowtail, Katafyto Dam, Mount Orvilos, 11 July
track, Stavropouli, 7 July
Black-veined White, fairly worn, around Komnina, 4 July
Large White, female, near Drama, 3 July
Large White, male, near Drama, 3 July
Mountain Small White, Mount Orvilos, 11 July
Eastern Bath White, Livaditis, 7 July
Eastern Bath White, Komnina, 4 July
Clouded Yellow, near Drama, 3 July
Berger's Clouded Yellow, Livaditis near the hilltop Environmental Centre, 7 July
Eastern Wood White, from Akrovouni towards Xanthi, 3 July
Sloe Hairstreak, between Drama and Archontiko, 3 July
Ilex Hairstreak, Mount Orvilos, 11 July
taken from the bridge below Stavropouli, 4 July
Small Copper, Nestos bridge, Stavropouli, 4 July
Sooty Copper, female, around Oreo, 5 July
Sooty Copper, female, arounf Thermia, Nestos Dam, 6 July
Sooty Copper, female, also around Thermia, 6 July
Purple-shot Copper, around Oreo, 5 July
Lesser Fiery Copper, Mikroklisoura 'hairpin', 8 July
Long-tailed Blue, around Livaditis, 7 July
the same insect as shown in the previous photo selecting a different perch
Lang's Short-tailed Blue, Thermia, Nestos Dam, 6 July
Lang's Short-tailed Blue, at the Mikroklisoura 'hairpin', 8 July
Little Tiger Blue, Prosotsani to Volakas junction, 8 July
Short-tailed Blue, Nestos bridge, Stavropouli, 4 July
Provencal Short-tailed Blue, Mikroklisoura 'hairpin', 8 July
Small Blue, Mikroklisoura 'hairpin', 8 July
Small Blue, Volakas to Pyrgi track, 12 July
on Mount Phalakron, 13 July
Osiris Blue, Mount Phalakron, 9 July
as in the previous photo
Holly Blue, female, on larval host plant, Nestos bridge, Stavropouli, 4 July
Green-underside Blue, Livaditis, 7 July
Green-underside Blue, Livaditis, 7 july
Mountain Alcon Blue, Mount Phalakron. 9 July
Eastern Baton Blue, around Oreo, 5 July
Chequered Blue, Thermia, Nestos Dam, 6 July
Chequered Blues, around Oreo, 5 July
Silver-studded Blue, female, Mikroklisoura 'hairpin', 8 July
the same butterfly as in the previous photo
who joined us for a while on the upper slopes of Mount Phalakron, 13 July
Silver-studded Blue, Mount Phalakron, 9 July
Silver-studded Blue, around Komnina, 4 July
Geranium Argus, a slightly battered male, Mount Orvilos, 11 July
as shown in the previous photo
Brown Argus, Akrovouni to Xanthi road, 3 July
Brown Argus, Nestos bridge, Stavropouli, 4 July
Brown argus pair, Akrovouni to Xanthi road, 3 July