Butterflies of Europe and the Tropics
ANDALUCIA, April 2010, with Ian Thompson, David Dennis, and Alan Bernard

Spanish Festoon

Spanish Festoon

Spanish Festoon

Spanish Festoon larval host plant

Western Dappled White

Western Dappled White

Western Dappled White

Green-striped White

Green-striped White

Green-striped White

Moroccan Orange-tip, female

Moroccan Orange-tip, male

Berger's Clouded Yellow

Wood White

Green Hairstreak

Green Hairstreak

Provence Hairstreak

Provence Hairstreak

Provence Hairstreak, well camouflaged on Scilla peruviana

location for Lorquin's Blue

Lorquin's Blue

Lorquin's Blue

Lorquin's Blue

Green-underside Blue

approaching Grazalema

Black-eyed Blue

Black-eyed Blue

Black-eyed Blue

Black-eyed Blue, aberrant markings

Black-eyed Blues

Cueva de la Pileta

Panoptes or False Baton Blue, the following 7 photos are not reliably identified

Panoptes Blue

Panoptes Blue

Panoptes Blue

Panoptes Blue

False Baton Blue

False Baton Blue

False Baton Blue

Spanish Brown Argus

Spanish Brown Argus

Common Blue, female

Common Blue

Sierra de las Nieves

Spanish Marbled White

Spanish Marbled White

Small Heath

Spanish Gatekeeper